Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Family Candlemas

Today we were snowed-in (or more like iced-in) yet again! Day three of trying to work at home with Lilah under foot. It has been a challenging week but nice to be home with my little sweetie too! Every spare moment today we prepared for our Candlemas celebration, thought about the Spring that hopefully is around the corner and other new beginnings and intentions for the new year.

Lilah made beautiful bird nests to welcome Spring birds and Daddy made some blackbirds out of beeswax at Lilah's request. We used scraps of roving, string and stuffing to make little wreaths into nests. I had envisioned tucking and winding the scraps around the twigs...but Lilah choose to decorate the opening instead to make a nice cozy place for the birds. Makes much more sense when you think about it! She was very proud of her nests!

At lunch I started on some crepes for a traditional Candlemas dinner with a raw vegan twist. Being a new Raw Foodie it was the perfect opportunity to try out my new raw cookbook! It was so easy and as with everything I make lately it gave me so much energy and pleasure to make and eat! I added my own little touches, like cinnamon to the apple and flax batter. Then into the dehydrator for 4 hours. I made a raw chopped apple sauce for the inside with hazelnut kream and blueberries to top! So yummy!

We enjoyed our feast then ended the night with candles lit around our bird's nests and a roaring fire. It was nice to actual use the living room...we talked...we played...we read stories. It was a beautiful night and a wonderful way to truly welcome the new year and Spring season.

Even our Goldfish enjoyed the candlelight of our celebration!

xoxo, Laura