Monday, May 3, 2010

Tick Tock

How quickly time goes. Somehow it doesn't surprise me that it has been nearly two months since I last posted. Between taking care of my family and particularly stressful times at work I am left with no time for myself...the few moments I have I seem to just be too drained to even think about doing something I enjoy and just end up on the couch. Well at least now my wireless is working so maybe I'll be blogging from the couch more often!

What is really an eye opener is that my sweet little Lilah will be two years old in one week. I don't know where the past two years have gone...I feel like it has gone by in the blink of an eye. I know dividing my time between work and Lilah has not left me with the time or energy that Lilah deserves. But as working Mothers we do the best we can...and she clearly loves me despite my flaws as she throws her arms around me everyday and excitedly and lovingly calls out "My Mommy". Unconditional love...the most amazing lesson to learn from little ones.

So again I am going to try and take a step back, slow down and enjoy life with Lilah and find time for myself...starting with going to bed now so I am well rested to tackle another crazy day...good night.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Laura - thinking about you.
    Looking forward to an update.

    XO, Nicole
