Saturday, February 6, 2010


In my quest to find more balance in my life I have emerged myself into the blogging community and have found so much inspiration. It is hard to really even know where to begin!

Lilah came home with a beautiful beeswax candle she made at school and after catching up with her amazing teacher Eileen's blog I decided that after a busy week would celebrate Candlemas together at dinner. It was a special dinner for Lilah and she loved having her potato leek soup by candle light!

Following our dinner we read stories and did finger play for a beautiful ending to our week. It is amazing how it melted away all of the frustration from work and gave me more energy to keep up the balanced life.

Our adventures for the weekend will include making Valentines, which is an annual tradition but will be so much fun now that Lilah is old enough to help. I'm also going to make a creative space for myself...once upon a time before Lilah was born I had a beautiful craft room and office. When we transformed it into Lilah's cozy nursery we packed away all of my arts and crafts supplies.

As much as I love our living is for living right? So I'm going to set up my craft station there...when guests come over it may be a bit messy, but I think my beloved friends and family won't mind! Pictures to come...

I'm feeling so much better already just thinking of all the exciting changes I'm going to make...focusing on my family and my creative passions. Enough time is spent thinking of work at work...time to stop bringing it home.


  1. What a beautifully written post Laura. I loved it and can't wait to see more.


  2. Laura - I just made a nice little tray of crafts for myself - a new space -- can't wait to see yours.
